Let your dreams roam into real!  

Often individuals have the perfect vision, product, or services but struggle putting order to their steps. You may also struggle with the polishing of your offerings and finding the perfect words to illustrate your brand. That’s where The Grey Crayon comes in! I’ll meet you where you are on your strategic plan—even if you don’t have a strategic plan just yet!

There are four packages I offer under Vision Mapping, but just in case you don’t see one that caters to your needs, you should still contact us to create the perfect package for you!

“Figure it out for yourself, my lad. You have ALL that the greatest of men have had...” - Edgar Guest

Kreative Kamp ($450)

Sometimes you just need a little push to propel your dreams to the next level. Our Kreative Kamp is perfect for the person who has the beginning stages of their concept fleshed out but need help navigating out the grey areas. The Kreative Kamp comes with two 1-hour strategy sessions, a vision map, and one accountability check-in from TGC’s Vision team.

Accountability Ally ($950)

Perfect for those who’ll need a little help along the way, the Accountability Ally offers 4 strategy sessions (to be used within 12 months), our business plan package, and a vision map with deliverables and timelines to fit your project/business needs.

Brain Drain Visibility Package ($1600)

We’d be lying if we said we did not have favorites. The Brain Drain Visibility Package is our most popular and beloved service. Packed with everything you need to launch , you’ll receive one fully- designed and written website, a revamped or new logo, 10 social media templates, one mini aesthetic guide, and a product/services guide.

Nonprofit Strategic Planning ($1500)

Contrary to the popular belief that nonprofits are different than businesses, they really are not. Much like a business, charitable and public-serving organizations must have a clear, robust strategic plan for their organization’s outlook. Our Strategic Plan package comes with two 2-3 hour sessions where we walk you through exercises and questions to stimulate your organization’s growth and sustainability. Did we mention that we write your plan for you as well? That’s right! After your two sessions, we compile your written (digital and for print) strategic plan for soliciting to partners, clients, and donors!