Meet…Me? Sure Thing!


Columbia Business Monthly’s Best and Brightest Under 35, 2021

Board Member of The Hive Community Circle, 2019-Current

Board Member of Association of Fundraising Professionals SC


Kendra M. (She/Her),

Chief Visionary Officer and Owner

We all hate introductions. I sure do! “Who am I?” can be the most intimidating question in the world when we literally change our identity every single morning in the shower. At least I do. I’m a scatter-brained visionary who once struggled with connecting dots and executing my dreams. I, too, ran away from my calling more times than I can count. The (good) problem is, while I was running away from mine, I ran into other people’s and became really good at molding and designing others’ dreams and helping them turn them into reality. So here we are. Or here I am—making a living helping the same people who flee from their dreams! I guess I’m somewhat of a dream-fugitive-catcher.

I’ve worked as an Executive Director, Strategic Partnerships Manager, Senior Development Officer, and Development Director. Through all the titles, the one I enjoy most is being a mom, and wife to my “Special K’s”.

When I’m not on a soapbox about who the greatest rappers are, you’ll likely find me splurging on journals and new pens, taking a mini road trip ( will work for gas cards), or escaping in my imagination! I’m a lover of all things philanthropy, the New Orleans Saints, and trying new culinary tastes. Big G-O-D is the head of EVERYTHING I do, and my village is DOPE!

Errrrr. See, I told you I suck at introductions.

Let’s make this less awkward and move forward with really getting to know each other! Contact me today!

My office is located wherever dreams roam!